Sunday, August 31, 2008

why do we grow up ??

i don't know the meanning of being elder,
is this mean resbonsibilities& duties? but one can find many examples of lazy guys who don't give any care for any kind of responsibilties.
Is it aframe or external features?
is it burden?
is it suffer?
is it happiness?(i don't think so)
what im sure of ,is the impossiblity of running back to any personnel stage
we may live awhole live trying to reach such stages, to feel that we living as we want to live ,exerting so many to get it & we may get it or not
& when we get it will we find what we looked for?
was it mirag?
was it shits?
was it childy dream?
we have an assumed right called the independecy
think about it usefull in this tpic of disussion?
we can decide what to do & what to get..but u can't manage the sudden changes due to externalities..u have some options :
leave it as it r face it trying to get what u aimed before
in any option ;
u are dependent

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